While joint custody is a considerable venture to live by, it is critical for both parents to chart out an appropriate schedule which is conducive to the child. Besides complying with the terms of the parenting agreement, which is a legal mandate, you need to sort out a timetable which is at once flexible and convenient for all. Here’s how.
Decide what the kid wants
First and foremost, you need to put yourself in your child’s shoes. As it is, co-parenting is a tough affair for the kid. It is indeed cumbersome to scroll back and forth between two homes. Keep in mind that a split mostly affects the child. Therefore, it is important to latch on to that which keeps the child happy and safe. Talk to your kid; understand his/her preferences. Most importantly, do be ready to compromise on certain fronts.
Consider logistical issues
In case your kid is nearing school-age, it is important to consider transport logistic issues. On the general front too, you need to make sure that the transportation costs are not too weighty on the purse. Considering the child commutes to and fro on a fairly daily basis, the conveyance options must be charted out judiciously so that all parties are equally favored. Apart from that, if you consider availing of childcare options, you need to factor in the cost constraints post-split.
1. Try and not involve the child
It is particularly significant for parents who have very young kids. It is by no means practicable to ask for their inputs tangibly. If your kid is too young, you can always rely on the air about him/her. You can decipher their mind from their random words and actions. It is strictly up to you and your ex-spouse to eke out a sustainable schedule.
2. Consider your kid’s convenience
Whatever you decide it must be in accordance with the kid’s priorities. Generally speaking, a majority of parents tends to emphasize their own convenience over their kid’s. That defeats the purpose of the post-divorce parenting contract. The reason why you both need to sit down to chart a plan is to make sure your children get to have an equal share of both the parents. Therefore, in spite of the disagreements between you, it is important to put the child first before everything else.
3. Keep vengeful instincts at bay
Certain bitter contentions are bound to crop up while you sit together. For instance, you might be tempted to arrange a schedule to get back at your ex; you might also give in to a win/lose the state of mind; you might begin to draw in your stale wounds and prove a point. The list goes one. However, such vengeful thoughts must be controlled in order not to hamper your kid’s prospects. Focus on your child’s welfare; keep past differences in hold for a while.
Charing out the perfect co-parenting schedule may be tricky. To ensure the best arrangement, Matthew Buckley can aid you through the way, combining his keen legal and humanitarian skills.